Zoë writes about film and story-making, and frequently interviews
filmmakers and film luminaries both onstage and in print. She is currently working on a book based on her interviews.
How to Change the World: A User’s Guide
with Larry Brilliant & Wavy Gravy
Commonwealth Club Marin Conversations
Mark Osborne, The Little Prince
Skywalker Ranch
The Art of Being Brave:
Brenda Chapman and Zoë Elton
Commonwealth Club Marin Conversations
Michael Moore, Where To Invade Next
Skywalker Ranch
Ian McKellen
Mill Valley Film Festival
Carey Mulligan
Mill Valley Film Festival
Catherine Hardwicke
Mill Valley Film Festival
Coming Soon to a Festival Near You
Editor, Jeffrey Ruoff
Chapter Contributor
Lonely Planet Guide to the US
Contributing author on American Independent filmmakers
Nora Isaacs
California Performance
Theodore Shank
Featured in chapter on Experimental Performance in the San Francisco Bay Area